BATMAN WAR Victor Zsasz

What’s up my friends! How is everyone doing?

Today I’m sharing a look into my Batman: War script that introduces Victor Zsasz the psycho from the comics.

If you had no idea I was writing a screenplay of the Dark Knight, now you know. It’s been my dream to write a screenplay of Batman. And I’m pouring my soul into this project. Anyway, hope you enjoy the teaser.

BATMAN WAR sneak peek

Hey guys. It’s Friday, and I wanted to share a sneak peek on my upcoming screenplay Batman: War. I’m planning in releasing it this December 4th for all to read, it’s 100% free. You just download yourself a free copy at my page.

Alright, so here’s a few photos of the script at work, in random order.

Hope you enjoyed what you read. I’ll be sharing more each week.