That’s right my readers, I have my own podcast up and running at Here’s a round up of what will be on the podcast, you can download and listen to it wherever you want šŸ˜€


Indie Artist

* Elize MorganĀ

* BradsucksĀ


* Fairy Godmother – The heated debate it caused at the

The Dark Knight Rises news


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The next title to the sequel to the Dark Knight is entitled The Dark Knight Rises. This was confirmed by Herocomplex in October 27, during an interview They conducted with Christopher Nolan. During this interview Nolan shattered one question in the minds of so many fans of the film ā€œWho will play the Riddler ?ā€ The answer to that riddle, NO ONE! The Riddler is officially out of the third film. This sent many fan boys around the world crying.

Tom Hardy is signed on to star in the film, rumored as a main villain. Letā€™s remember the most important word in that sentence ā€œRumoredā€ Heā€™s gotten a lot of applause for his role in Nolanā€™s other summer blockbuster Inception.Ā  The – hereā€™s that magic word-Ā  rumors around the net by some unknown sources have Mr.Hardy taken on the role as ā€œBlack Mask” or even “Hush.” Granted those would be some great characters to see in the film, but, my gut tells me no way. We are in the early years of Batmanā€™s career, and given how this film is set to follow the story left in The Dark Knight and not become a stand alone story, Iā€™m pretty sure we can rule both those characters out from the sequel.


Are We A Nation Of Fools?

Are we a nation of delusional fools, stuck to our parties ” Democrat and Republican” that we push the well-being of man aside. The fight to stop poverty is always side blinded by another less interesting issue, God, abortion, terrorist, immigrants. All well planed excuses to hinder actual change in this world.


How many times have we fallen for the old slogan ” Change Is Coming ” by both parties and still we wait for this change to arrive, while more people suffer. Where is the ” Stand by your fellow-man?” help them out in their time of need? Perhaps that applies to the more wealthy of Americans. Those who refuse to accept the idea of ” Taxing the rich ” This idea is the worst sin that could be thought up by man, taking their millions to help the poor will solve nothing. So, they say. While millions die out in their front door step.

Every politician tells us not to believe the other side, they pin us against each one like rabid dogs keeping us unfocused on the real matter at hand. They tell us the democrats are out to destroy the American life with their radical thinking, they tell us the Republicans are out to force their beliefs on us and start wars in another nations. Fear is the name of the game to keep the simple-minded at bay and controlled. 99.9% time it works, we all know it does, we’ve all fallen for the clever words and smooth talkers.

Do I believe our system has let us down, yes. I do believe the American dream is no longer what it uses to be, or perhaps it never was. The harsh truth is, we’re all to worry about our own agendas to even push for change and until we put our egos aside, we will continue to live in the circle of hell we have created. Welcome to the Nation Of Fools.

2011 is coming

With 2011 on it’s way, what should my readers look to ? well, two novels The Perfect Woman and Chaos Theory. both hitting late 2011. Also Batman: Year One, the return of the L.N.S.A!!! It’s going to be a busy year, with so many stories and novels to read. Hopefully you’ll check them out, as 2011 comes on by. šŸ™‚